You can find contact information for all JHU Human Resources professionals and departments in our HR directory, but for quick links to some frequently contacted departments, see below.
Benefits: For all benefits questions, contact the Benefits Service Center at 410-516-2000 or [email protected].
Learn & Grow: If you have questions about resources that are available to help you pursue your professional goals, email Learning@JHU. Questions about our Organization Development offerings can be directed to Organization Development.
Leave: For information about all types of leave, including parental and birth recovery, contact the Benefits Service Center at 410-516-2000 or [email protected].
Pay: Your first stop should be your HR business partner. Need more? For support related to positions on the East Baltimore campus, email Health Sciences Compensation. For support related to all other positions at the university, email Compensation at JHU Central.
Support Programs: Find your answers at the Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program (JHEAP), or call 888-978-1262.