
Date Range

New ways to help you achieve financial wellness

October 13, 2022
Introducing a Roth contribution option … and a reminder about free financial coaching through MMA Prosper Wise

Do you have enough life insurance?

October 13, 2022
Proceeds of your policy can be an important tool in helping your family maintain its financial wellness

Learn all about Live Near Your Work homebuying grants

October 13, 2022
Program specialist Jeremy Hornberger explains the rules and how to apply for this employee benefit

October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month

October 13, 2022
Webinars and one-on-one assistance are available to you and your loved ones

Retirement readiness: Can you visualize your post-work life?

October 12, 2022
Grab some paper and a writing instrument and join a guided journaling exercise

Register now for Family Building events

October 12, 2022
Planning, expecting, and new parents will learn about Johns Hopkins benefits and leave policies, Worklife programs, and available services, and will hear from subject matter experts

Workshop: Remaining Positive in Times of Crisis

October 12, 2022
This program has been designed to help you navigate issues caused by the pandemic

Workshop: Mastering Your Memory

October 12, 2022
Your takeaways? Elevated people skills, presenting without notes, heightened levels of focus, and improved mental organization

It's time to sign up for your 2023 benefits

October 12, 2022
Review your current coverage and take advantage of the enrollment resources available to help you make smart choices

JHU's 2022 United Way campaign has begun

October 11, 2022
The goal is to raise $550,000 to support nonprofits focusing on the financial stability, education, and health of the university's neighbors