
Date Range

Get ready for JHU's retirement plan changes

October 14, 2021
Check out the Fast Facts webinar to learn about what's changing, how to prepare, and where to go for personalized help

Why you should drink a glass of water right now

October 13, 2021
Its health benefits will motivate you to drink up

Workshop: Presentation Skills for a Virtual Audience

October 13, 2021
How information is presented can determine the effectiveness of the message and its outcome

Workshop: Motivating, Engaging, and Inspiring Employees

October 13, 2021
Want to bring out the best in your team members? Know what motivates them

Workshop: Employment Law

October 13, 2021
This course is part of the Hopkins Essential Certificate Program that should be completed within two years of becoming a supervisor

Flu shot information for the 2021–22 season

October 5, 2021
All individuals who will be on JHU campuses must be vaccinated for influenza and upload documentation by Nov. 19

It's almost time for JHU's Annual Enrollment

September 17, 2021
The myChoices program provides benefits designed to fit your needs

Annual Enrollment tips and resources

September 17, 2021
Take a fresh look at your benefits options so that you'll be ready to make your selections

Stay fit with BurnAlong

September 17, 2021
The online platform can be accessed on phones, tablets, and computers (and it's free)

Care@Work can help at home and with your pets

September 17, 2021
Your free premium membership to provides unlimited access to the world's largest online community for finding and managing care