
Date Range

Which plan is best for you? Ask ALEX

October 10, 2019
This online tool estimates out-of-pocket costs for each plan and recommends the one with the lowest overall cost to you, based on your preferences

What to know about spending accounts for 2020

October 10, 2019
JHU offers a growing list of spending accounts designed to help you stretch your paycheck and benefit from tax savings

Time for your annual dental plan checkup

October 10, 2019
Compare the two available plans to see which is best for you and your family

Get ready to enroll

October 10, 2019
Here are the steps you need to take to select your benefits for the coming year

Workshop: Plan for Your Financial Future

October 10, 2019
Early career to midcareer employees are invited to learn about the six components of the financial planning process

Sign up for the Adopt-a-Family/Adopt-a-Senior Program

October 8, 2019
Help brighten the season for those in need of assistance during the holidays

Fall for savings

October 8, 2019
Your free LifeMart membership gives you access to deals on everything from Halloween supplies to automobiles

Wellness webinar: Sleep Deprivation—Understanding and Improving Sleep Patterns

October 8, 2019
Getting better sleep is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health

Fall is the perfect time to lose weight

October 8, 2019
University partners with WW to offer benefits-eligible employees 50 percent off programs

Registration still open for fall wellness sessions

October 8, 2019
Sign up now to take advantage of the 50 percent discounted rate and the convenience of paying through payroll deduction