If you smoke, use tobacco products or vape, quitting is an essential step toward better health. Each of our medical plan providers offers support for smoking and tobacco cessation including free nicotine replacement therapy. If you are not enrolled in one of Johns Hopkins health insurance plans, you still have free smoking and tobacco cessation support through a national network of tobacco cessation quit lines.
DID YOU KNOW? It is estimated that lung cancer accounts for nearly 1 in 4 deaths globally
Smoking and passive exposure to tobacco smoke are two key risk factors of lung cancers that you can control for yourself and your family. Please take advantage of the tobacco cessation programs below. You may also be eligible for a free lung cancer screening, based on your smoking history. Contact your healthcare provider or you can contact Johns Hopkins Work Stride Managing Cancer at Work Work Stride oncology nurse navigators to learn more about the eligibility criteria: 844-446-6229, or [email protected].