JHEAP Onsite Clinical Care

Sometimes, managing the responsibilities of work and personal life can feel overwhelming. Worry about your own—or a loved one’s—emotional well-being, mental health, medical illness, or financial hardship can be distressing and can have an effect on your energy, focus, and productivity.

The JHEAP Onsite Clinical Care Team offers professional support, expertise, and resources to help you identify and manage challenging issues in healthy ways. Through Johns Hopkins EAP (JHEAP), JHU employees and their household family members have 24/7 access to free, confidential counseling and referral services and six in-person counseling sessions.

When you call 888-978-1262, a JHEAP clinician will listen, provide support, and help you identify resources and next steps.

If you choose to arrange a televideo or in-person appointment, you may choose to arrange a free, confidential appointment with a member of the JHEAP OnSite Clinical Care Team, located on certain Johns Hopkins campuses OR the JHEAP clinician will provide referrals to licensed clinicians in your area whom you or your family member may see for up to six visits per problem. The telephonic assessment, referral service, and in-person appointments are confidential and entirely free of charge to you, and you will not need to use insurance.

Managers, be sure to read JHEAP: Manager Resources.

Click the tabs below to learn more about our services.

When to Call

Employees and their family and household members may seek help from mySupport for a range of reasons, including:

  • Stress and worry
  • Concern about their own or someone else’s unhealthy use of alcohol or drugs
  • Challenging life transitions
  • Problems with interpersonal relationships
  • Difficulties with co-workers
  • Problems with work performance and productivity
  • Concern for family members’ and colleagues’ well-being
  • Grief and loss
  • Problems with low mood, low energy, or anxiety
  • Financial problems
  • Legal concerns

You can call or visit JHEAP online 24/7, 365 days a year. A clinician will listen with compassion, provide support, and connect you with helpful resources.


Confidentiality is the cornerstone of JHEAP. We understand that certain issues are extremely personal, and JHEAP clinicians treat all information disclosed over the phone or in a session with the utmost sensitivity. In fact, no one will know that you are receiving services from JHEAP unless you disclose that information yourself or sign a release giving your clinician permission to disclose the information. It is important to note that there are a few exceptions to confidentiality (e.g., harm to yourself or others, and the abuse of children or vulnerable adults when the perpetrator has been identified). Your JHEAP clinician will review confidentiality with you.

Sometimes our clients ask whether JHEAP records can be accessed by a supervisor or other Johns Hopkins employees. You can rest assured that JHEAP records are kept separately from all other JHU or JHMI records. Our files cannot be accessed or released without your written permission or a court order. If you have additional concerns, please feel free to raise these with your JHEAP clinician.


The JHEAP OnSite Clinical Team provides in-person appointments with licensed clinicians at various Johns Hopkins locations.


  • East Baltimore campus, 550 North Broadway, Suite 507
  • Johns Hopkins at Eastern, 1101 E. 33rd St., Suite D-200
  • Homewood Campus, Keswick – 3910 Keswick Rd
  • Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center – ASC Building, Room 277

Outside Baltimore:

In addition to providing scheduled in-person appointments for individuals, the JHEAP OnSite Clinical Team provides:

  • Same-day telephone and in-person consultations when needs are urgent
  • Consultation to employees and managers who are concerned about a co-worker
  • Immediate support to managers, collaboration with other programs, and onsite response during crisis situations
  • Training, education, and outreach on matters related to grief, emotional well-being, and self-care

The JHEAP On-Site Clinical Team offers in-person appointments from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with some appointments also available starting at 5 p.m. All appointments with an OnSite clinician typically last about 50 minutes.