Tuition Grant for Children

The Tuition Grant Plan covers full-time undergraduate studies at an accredited, degree-granting institution, for your dependent children. Once eligibility requirements are met, you must submit an application for each semester/term through EdAssist. You may apply online starting 60 days prior to the term start date, and no later than 30 days after the term start date.

Benefits Insight Series:
Tuition Grant For Dependent Children

Thursday, Apr 24, 2025, 12:00 PM ET 

Join this presentation for a complete overview of tuition grant tuition benefits for dependent children, including an overview of the application process with EdAssist.

Register here

Go to EdAssist

Retirees must use a different link. Please refer to the Retirees tab below.

Important Reminders

  • Application Process: All participants must submit an application every term. If both parents work at JHU, each must submit an application for each eligible dependent to receive the full grant.
  • Semester Cap: When submitting your application, your request amount should not exceed the semester cap of $16,182.50.
  • Application Window: The window is currently open and closes 30 days after the term starts for the dependent children.
  • The program option Tuition Grant – Domestic Partner Children option is only for those who are a non-tax dependent.
  • Letter of Credit (LOC): Remember that the LOC replaces the JHU Grant Award Notice (GAN). Each parent must send this letter to your student’s school to initiate payment. The school must submit an invoice to EdAssist for each parents’ application.
    • If your dependent’s school does not accept the LOC, you can then select Tuition Grant for Children – Reimbursement option.
    • Once you submit your application, you must upload an itemized invoice.
    • Then, you will receive payment via payroll within 1-2 pay periods.
How to Apply

An Application must be submitted for each term and dependent.

  1. Log into EdAssist and follow the on-screen prompts. For your first time accessing the site, you may be asked a few identifying questions.
  2. Start a new application from the home screen to begin. A new application must be opened for each dependent, for each term, semester, trimester, or quarter.
    • Select your dependent from the dropdown menu. If your child is not listed, then select add dependent. Dependents who are new to the program must be verified by submitting a copy of their birth certificate and required documentation, when prompted later in the application.
    • Select education program, either Bachelor’s or Associate’s Degree.
    • Select employer program, Tuition Grant for Children or Grant for Domestic Partner Children.
      • Direct Bill should be selected if the school accepts a Letter of Credit. Then the payment will be made directly to the school.
      • Reimbursement should be selected if the school does not accept a Letter of Credit or it is over 30 days after the semester start date. Then the payment will be made directly to you in your paycheck.
      • International should be selected if it is an international school. A study abroad program initiated and paid for by the home school is not an international program. See FAQs below for more information.
    • Search and select the correct education provider. If you have trouble finding the school, try omitting punctuation, i.e. “St Johns” instead of “St. John’s.” Choose the result whose address matches where the Direct Bill payment should be made.
    • Enter all session information as prompted. The expense amount is the total eligible tuition and fees for the term.
    • Disclose any scholarships, grants, or aid, then read and sign to acknowledge all participant agreements.
    • Review all application details for accuracy and select Submit Application. 
  3. Your application will be routed to the Benefits Service Center for final approval. You will receive a confirmation email indicating either approval or denial of your application. At any time you can visit EdAssist and select History to check the status of your application and payment.
  4. Connect EdAssist to your child’s school so that payment can be made.
    • For Direct Bill programs, you must download the Letter of Credit (LOC) from the approved application, sign and provide it to the school. Exactly where to send the LOC differs across schools, for example the bursar, financial aid or services, student accounts, or the cashier. Please check with your child’s school to confirm which office handles tuition payments. The school’s website or invoice should indicate where tuition payments should be sent.
    • For Reimbursement programs (if the school does not accept the LOC), you must upload an itemized invoice. Then you will receive payment via payroll within 1-2 pay periods.
  5. Visit EdAssist at any time to check your application status. Once the payment is made, the application will close.

Payment process for direct Bill

  1. Application is approved.
  2. Letter of Credit (LOC) is issued by EdAssist.
  3. Employee must submit the LOC to the school’s billing office. The LOC requests an invoice from the school and services as a notice of pending tuition grant.
    • Sign and submit the LOC to your school’s office that collects tuition payments as soon as possible. Exactly where to send the LOC differs across schools, for example the bursar’s office, financial aid or financial services office, student accounts office, or the cashiers office. Please check with your child’s school to confirm which office handles tuition payments. The school’s website or invoice should indicate where tuition payments should be sent.
    • If the school does not accept the LOC, then follow the Reimbursement process outlined below.
  4. School submits itemized invoice of tuition & fees, including applied grants & scholarships, to EdAssist.
  5. EdAssist reviews documents and processes payment.
  6. Payment is sent directly to the school within 5-7 business days.

reimbursement Payment Process

  1. Complete the application in EdAssist and select Reimbursement program. This option should be chosen in the following circumstances:
    • your child is attending an international school,
    • it is over 30 days after the semester start date, or
    • your child’s school does not accept a Letter of Credit.
  2. Upload an itemized invoice from the school to your application in EdAssist. You are not required to pay the school upfront.
  3. Once approved, the Tuition Grant will be paid directly to you in your paycheck within 1-2 pay cycles. The award is not taxed for dependents, however it is taxed for dependents of domestic partners.
  4. You are then responsible for paying all tuition and fees to your child’s school. Proof of payment is not required.

Employee Eligibility

Full-time faculty, staff, or bargaining unit members of the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, Carey Business School, School of Education, Whiting School of Engineering, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Peabody Institute, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Libraries, University Administration, Academic Centers, and Homewood Student Affairs are eligible if you:

  • complete a minimum of two consecutive years of full-time service prior to the semester/term start date and continue through the semester end date in a full-time position, and
    • Employees hired 7/1/2024 and after: If you complete two years of full-time employment with JHU prior to the semester’s start date, then you are eligible for the corresponding semester.
    • Employees hired before 7/1/2024: The two-year eligibility cutoff dates are Oct. 1 for the fall semester and Feb. 1 for the spring semester. If you complete two years of full-time employment with JHU prior to Oct. 1 or Feb. 1, then you are eligible for the corresponding semester.
  • meet the eligibility criteria at the time of application submission AND at the time of payment processing.

If you are on authorized leave, your leave cannot exceed one year in duration, and you must return to full-time employment. The benefit is available only during periods in which the faculty or staff member is employed full-time, or during periods of authorized leave not exceeding one year in duration from which the faculty or staff member will return to full-time employment. A faculty or staff member is not eligible to receive the benefit while on a leave of absence that exceeds one year. Faculty or staff who return as an active full-time employee after a leave of absence for one year or more must be a full-time employee for two years to regain eligibility for the benefit.

Visiting faculty and staff, residents, interns and post-doctoral fellows are not eligible.

Dependent Eligibility

Dependents are eligible to participate in the Tuition Grant plan through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 26. For this purpose, “dependent children” are: biological children, adopted children, children placed with the eligible employee for adoption, stepchildren (by marriage), children of the employee’s domestic partner, or children for whom the eligible employee has been appointed legal guardian. Eligible dependents are limited to the following: A child who is the employee’s “dependent” within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code section 152 and is either a “qualifying child” or a “qualifying relative”.

You must verify your qualifying dependent by providing documentation in EdAssist.

Retiree Eligibility

Retirees who are age 54 and younger must have worked at JHU for 30 years in a full-time position with no break in service, to qualify for this program.

Retirees who are age 55 and older must have worked at JHU for 10 years in a full-time position with no break in service, to qualify for this program.


The Tuition Grant program pays for 50% of each dependent’s full-time, undergraduate tuition and eligible fees, up to a maximum of $32,365 for the 2024-2025 academic year. Payment is limited to four years of full-time undergraduate study per dependent at any accredited, degree-granting institution. The plan provides for one undergraduate degree per eligible dependent.

Check to see if the school is accredited in the Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs, or when you apply in EdAssist. Community colleges and four-year universities that are accredited and degree-granting qualify; vocational and technological schools do not qualify. Some eligible schools might not show in the database, so check with EdAssist to confirm school eligibility.

This maximum annual award is set at one-half of JHU’s freshman undergraduate tuition. For the 2024-2025 academic year, the university’s freshman undergraduate tuition is $64,730. The maximum assistance allowance per term is based on the school’s academic calendar structure. The details are as follows for the Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 academic year:

  • Fall and Spring semesters: $16,182.50 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.
  • Tri semester: $10,788.33 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.
  • Quarters: $8,091.25 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.

Fifty percent of tuition and eligible fees, up to one-half of Johns Hopkins University’ freshman undergraduate tuition, are covered for each eligible employee. Covered fees include all mandatory course fees that are part of the school’s invoicing. Fees are considered eligible for payment when they meet all of the following criteria:

    • The fee is charged to all students no matter what type of degree they are pursuing.
    • The fee does not fund debt or financial aid for other students.
    • The fee is not optional and cannot be refunded to the student.
    • The fee is not related to a specific course or degree.
    • The purpose of the fee can be defined by the institution.
Eligible Fees and Expenses Excluded Fees and Expenses
  • Activity
  • Athletic/Recreation
  • Facility
  • Health Center
  • Registration
  • Student Government Association
  • Technology
  • Transportation
  • General (includes graduation)
  • Accommodations
  • Airfare
  • Books
  • Course-related fees
  • Equipment (e.g., laptops, sports equipment, etc)
  • Excursions
  • Health or other insurance
  • Late fees
  • Room and board, or housing fees
Full-time Studies

For colleges with two full-time semesters per academic year, twelve or more degree-required credits per semester are considered full-time studies.

For colleges with full-time trimesters or full-time quarters per academic year, twenty-four or more degree-required credits per academic year are considered full-time studies.

In circumstances where disability prevents an otherwise eligible dependent from enrolling as a full-time undergraduate, the university shall consider waiving the credit hour and/or age requirement. If an exception is granted, tuition grant eligibility is still limited to eight semesters of undergraduate study. All such requests shall be considered by the university’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) in accordance with the university’s commitment to ensuring equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities. Please complete and submit the OIE form to request an exception to Tuition Grant eligibility on the basis of a dependent’s disability.


Instructions for Accessing EdAssist as Retired Employee

EdAssist for Retirees (non-sso) You must complete registration steps below before using this link. 

For new users who have never logged into EdAssist before:

  1. Go to
  2. Begin typing and select “Johns Hopkins University.”
  3. Enter your Hopkins ID, which is provided to you via email from [email protected]. (If you need assistance with your Hopkins ID, please contact the Benefits Service Center.)
  4. Verify your last name and enter your preferred personal email as prompted.
  5. An email will be sent to you with the subject line “Please Verify your Email.”
  6. Click the confirmation link in the email to continue creating your account and complete registration.
  7. After completing registration, bookmark as the URL you must use to log into EdAssist and access the Tuition Grant. Please ensure this is the URL you use when accessing the site again. You will enter your username and password on this site, which should allow you to log into EdAssist to submit applications.

For previous users who have logged into EdAssist prior to retiring:

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Contact the help desk” to request your username. Select I need help with Login, EdAssist Solutions is the default service, and Employer is Johns Hopkins University.
  1. Once the EdAssist support team confirms and verifies your username you will be notified via email to reset your password to convert your account.
  2. Once your account is converted, bookmark as the URL you must use to log into EdAssist and access the Tuition Grant. Please ensure this is the URL you use when accessing the site again. You will enter your username and password on this site, which should allow you to log into EdAssist to submit applications.

Here are some additional resources to help you pay for college.

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

The following resources are from Marsh McLennan Agency (MMA), JHU’s partner in helping you manage your financial health. MMA’s Prosper Wise is a digital platform and one-stop hub for all things financial planning, and here is a selection of resources for families with college-bound learners. More can be found on Prosper Wise.

Borrowing Smart and Preparing for Higher Education (Course)

Choosing a School and Understanding the Cost (Course)

Scholarship Search (Tool)

Award Letter Analyzer (Tool)

EdAssist Support

Dedicated support for JHU employees can be accessed the following ways via the EdAssist Contact Center:

  • Live Chat is available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, for questions regarding your application, the EdAssist website, or the Tuition Grant policy.
  • Support Tickets may be created 24/7, for general website or policy questions.
  • Add comments to your application for questions regarding your specific situation.

Frequently Asked Questions


Can the two-year employment requirement be waived?

Yes, the two-year employment requirement will be waived for faculty and staff that come to the university directly from another employer (within 30 days) where they were previously eligible for a similar dependent education benefit. Proof of eligibility is required from the prior employer. Waivers submitted for new faculty positions will be reviewed on a semester basis. Please see the sample Waiver Letter for the required language.

How do I apply for a waiver of the two-year employment requirement?

Waiver requests are handled by EdAssist via an appeals process. Apply through EdAssist even if you are not eligible. You will receive a denial message and will need to appeal the denial by providing proof of prior eligibility from your previous employer. Here is a sample Waiver Letter.

The two-year employment requirement will be waived for full-time employees who come directly to JHU within 30 days from leaving an employer where they were previously eligible for a similar dependent education benefit and can provide proof of eligibility from the previous employer. Waivers submitted by new faculty will be reviewed on a semester basis.

What if both parents are JHU employees?

Each parent is eligible if both are full-time members of the faculty, staff, or Bargaining Unit and have completed two consecutive years of employment with the university. Parents who are both JHU employees will need to apply individually in EdAssist to receive the benefit at 100% each semester.

What happens if I change from full-time to part-time with JHU during my child's participation?

As long as you have met the two-year eligibility criteria as a full-time employee and your change in status to part-time lasts for less than six months before returning to full-time service, you will remain eligible for the benefit. If your change in status to part-time lasts six months or longer before returning to full-time status, you will have to meet the two-year eligibility criteria as a full-time employee to regain eligibility for the benefit.

What if I take a leave of absence (LOA)?

The benefit is available only during periods in which the faculty or staff member is employed full-time, or during periods of authorized leave not exceeding one year in duration from which the faculty or staff member will return to full-time employment. A faculty or staff member is not eligible to receive the benefit while on a leave of absence that exceeds one year. Faculty or staff who return as an active full-time employee after a leave of absence for one year or more must be a full-time employee for two years to regain eligibility for the benefit.

What if my JHU employment ends during my child's participation?

To be eligible for Tuition Grant, an employee or retiree must meet eligibility criteria at the time of application submission and at the time of payment processing.

What if I leave JHU and then return? How would this affect the two-year employment requirement?

If you voluntarily terminate your employment and do not return to JHU or join JHU from another employer within 30 days, you must be employed for two consecutive years before becoming eligible for the tuition grant benefit.

If you were involuntarily terminated and return to JHU within 12 months, you will not be required to wait for the two-year period to regain eligibility for the benefit.

Are JHU retirees eligible?

Yes, JHU retirees qualify to receive the Tuition Grant benefit. Retirees are not able to access the employee version of EdAssist, and should instead use this link.

Are visiting faculty and staff, residents, interns, or post-doctoral fellows eligible?


What happens if the employee or retiree dies during their child's participation in the program?

If an employee or retiree dies, following 5 years of continuous benefit-eligible status, any dependent including step-children and dependents of their domestic partner will remain eligible for the program until they reach the plan semester limit or age out of the plan. The child must be born prior to the employee/retiree’s death to be eligible.

When each child is ready to attend college, the surviving spouse or domestic partner should contact the Benefits Service Center (BSC) with the deceased’s name and employee number (if known), and the name of the dependent who will be attending school to let us know they are ready to use the benefit. Please contact the BSC before July 1 prior to the fall semester, or before January 1 prior to the spring semester, whichever semester will be the dependent’s first semester of college.


What documentation is required to verify my dependent's eligibility?

Proof of dependent citizenship must be provided prior to receiving benefits under the plan. Employees must add the dependent in EdAssist and submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate (English translation). For children not born in the U.S., Canada or Mexico, one of the following documents must be submitted in addition to a birth certificate:

    • Green Card
    • U. S. Visa
    • U.S. Passport
    • Certificate of Naturalization
Do dependents have to be claimed on the employee's tax return?

Dependents participating in the Tuition Grant plan must either be claimed on the employee’s tax return for the awarded year, or the employee must complete a Dependent Expense Form annually to verify financial support of greater than 50% to be eligible to participate in the Tuition Grant plan.

Does my domestic partner or spouse's dependent qualify?

The dependent children of domestic partners may participate in the plan provided the employee’s completed Affidavit of Marriage/Domestic Partnership is on file with the Benefits Service Center. Any benefit provided for dependent children of employees’ domestic partners is taxable income. The amount of taxes withheld from the employee’s check is based on the amount of the benefit. Tax questions should be directed to the Tax Office at 443-997-8688 or [email protected].


What costs are NOT covered by the plan?

In addition to the excluded fees and expenses listed in the previous FAQ, these items are not covered by the plan:

  • Part-time studies (11 credits and below in a semester, or the equivalent for trimester and quarter academic calendars)
  • Non-credit courses (e.g. remedial)
  • Graduate courses or programs
  • Cooperative programs that do not offer academic credits
  • Pass/fail courses for which no academic credits are earned
  • Course offered by non-degree granting or non-accredited institutions
  • Course related fees
  • Program fees
What colleges and universities are covered?

The school must be an accredited, degree-granting college or university. EdAssist will validate the institution’s accreditation.

Community colleges and junior colleges qualify so long as the institution is accredited and degree-granting.

Vocational technical schools do not qualify.

How many credits are considered full-time study?

For colleges with two full-time semesters per academic year, twelve or more degree-required credits per semester are considered full-time studies.

For colleges with full-time trimesters or full-time quarters per academic year, twenty-four or more degree-required credits per academic year are considered full-time studies.

What if my child has a disability that prevents them from enrolling full-time?

In circumstances where disability prevents an otherwise eligible dependent from enrolling as a full-time undergraduate (e.g., the 12-credit hour requirement), the university shall consider waiving the credit hour and/or age requirement. All such requests shall be considered by the university’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) in accordance with the university’s commitment to ensuring equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities. Additional information supporting the disability will be required by the university’s Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).

If my child's registration drops below full-time, what happens?

If the child’s registration drops below full-time, they are no longer eligible to participate in the plan, unless they are in their final semester prior to graduating and need fewer than 12 credits. The grant payment to the school must be refunded to Johns Hopkins University. Participation in the program is suspended until the monies are repaid or a repayment agreement is signed.

Are full-time specialty programs (e.g., nursing) that require students to take less than twelve degree-required credits eligible?

Yes. Programs with credit restrictions are approved for coverage, however additional documentation is required. Please see sample Specialty Program Letter for required language.

Are mini-sessions, summer, or winter courses covered?

Payments are available for mini-sessions, summer, or winter courses if:

    • The continuing student meets the definition of a full-time student within the current academic year, OR
    • The new student meets the definition of a full-time student in the upcoming academic year (for summer leading into fall), AND
    • The student has not received the maximum grant allowance for the academic year (a Tuition Grant balance remains), AND
    • The employee is in a full-time position when the student begins the mini-session, summer, or winter course.

If attendance in the upcoming academic year does not occur, it will be the employee’s obligation to promptly repay any monies disbursed.

Children who receive full financial support from other sources for the entire academic year must provide documentation to confirm that they attended full-time for the entire academic year to be eligible for coverage of mini-sessions, summer, or winter courses.

What is the maximum number of years a child may participate?

The plan covers costs for up to four years of undergraduate study, (8 semesters or the equivalent trimester or quarter terms). Part-time mini-sessions (e.g. summer terms) do not count against the child’s maximum participation.

Are study-abroad programs covered?

Study abroad programs are covered for degree-required courses and direct payment can be made to the school if it accepts a Letter of Credit. Study abroad certification may be required.

If the student is not registered at full-time status during the study-abroad, then the tuition grant benefit is not applicable.

What is considered study-abroad?

Studying abroad typically refers to a student taking the opportunity to study at a school outside of the United States. The credits earned must be accepted by the home school towards the student’s degree. The study abroad process can be initiated through your child’s home school or through another institution.

If the study abroad program is initiated through the home school, email the Benefits Service Center at [email protected] to inform us. No additional documentation is required.

If the study abroad program is initiated through another institution besides the home school, the following additional documentation is required:

  • A new tuition grant application is needed if your student is studying abroad through an accredited, degree‐granting school that is not currently on file in your
    student’s tuition grant record.
  • A Study Abroad Certification Letter is needed if your student is attending a school that is not their home school.
Are international schools covered?

Yes, but EdAssist is unable to make payments directly to international schools. Instead, you will receive the tuition grant payment directly via your paycheck once your application and all necessary information has been provided. When applying, you should choose Tuition Grant for Children – International program. Upon application approval and within 60 days of the term end date, you may request immediate reimbursement by uploading proof of full-time enrollment, an itemized invoice of tuition and fees, and any applied grants or scholarships to the tuition application.

All documents must be in English, and all invoices must be in US Dollars. EdAssist will review documentation and process reimbursement for 50% of the eligible tuition and fees, up to the maximum annual benefit amount.

If the international school does not invoice per term, but instead invoices for the entire school year, then you may need to contact EdAssist to request an override so that you may submit an invoice for the entire year.

Reimbursement will be made via JHU payroll and is not taxable. The employee and/or dependent are responsible for making payment to the school for tuition and fees.

Is there a grade requirement?


What if my child withdraws before the end of the term?

Payments issued for students who voluntarily withdraw before the end of the term must be refunded in full.

Payments issued for students who withdraw involuntarily (i.e., illness) before the end of the term will be refunded based on the school’s refund policy. If the payment is not refunded in full, the term will be considered used and counted towards the total eligible terms. If the employee prefers not to have the term count as a used term, they have the option to send the difference between the refund received from the school and the amount of the Tuition Grant payment by June 30th of the current academic year.


How does an employee begin participation in the Tuition Grant plan?

Employees must complete an application in EdAssist. Eligibility to participate in the plan is contingent upon documentation that verifies the child is your dependent.

When should I apply?

Applications may be submitted up to 60 days prior to the term start date, and no more than 30 days after the term start date. You must submit an application for each term.

If more than one application needs to be submitted (i.e. your child is attending multiple schools in the same semester), this will need manual review from EdAssist. Be aware this might slightly delay the payment process.

Is there a deadline for submitting an application?

Your application must be submitted within 30 days after the term start date.

If you apply after the deadline, once approved the payment will be made to the school if they accept the Letter of Credit (LOC). If the school does not accept the LOC, then the payment will be made to you via payroll.

Will I have to apply each semester for each dependent in the program?

Yes, an application must be completed for each semester/term for each dependent in order to receive the benefit for each semester/term.

What information is needed to apply in EdAssist?

The following information is required to complete your application:

  • Documentation of dependent’s identity (to confirm they are a qualifying dependent)
  • Degree being pursued
  • Name of school/institution
  • Dependent’s student ID
  • Term type, start and end dates
  • Total amount of tuition and fees
  • Total amount of other grants and scholarships
What amount should I enter in the expenses field?

You should enter the term’s total eligible tuition and fees in the expense field. Your request amount should not exceed the semester cap of $16,182.50.

EdAssist will calculate the correct Tuition Assistance amount and pay 50% of eligible tuition and fees, after restricted financial aid, not to exceed the plan maximum or your remaining balance.

If my dependent is attending the same school as last semester and there are no changes, what action must be taken?

You will need to submit a new application in EdAssist for each dependent, for each semester/term, even if your child is attending the same school as last semester.

My dependent is switching schools for the next semester, how do I make that update?

Since a new application must be submitted each term, you will indicate the new school when you apply for that term.

My dependent took a semester or two off, but will be going back to school next term. What should I do?

Submit a new application in EdAssist up to 60 days in advance of the term start date, or within 30 days following.

What if both parents are employed by JHU?

Each parent is eligible if both are full-time members of the faculty, staff, or Bargaining Unit and have completed two consecutive years of employment with the university. Both parents must apply individually through EdAssist for each eligible dependent to receive the benefit at 100% each semester.


What if the approved Tuition Grant amount is wrong?

If you believe the Tuition Grant amount EdAssist will award is wrong, then reach out to EdAssist via live chat, support ticket, or add a comment to your application to file an appeal.

After my application is approved, how long will it take for the Letter of Credit (LOC) to be made available to me?

The LOC will be available within 24 hours after your application is initially approved.

What information is contained in the Letter of Credit (LOC)?

The Letter of Credit describes the Tuition Grant Plan, specifies the percent of coverage for the participating student, and indicates the documentation that the school must provide for payment to be issued, including tuition and fees, and other scholarships and awards.

Where do I send the Letter of Credit?

When your application is approved, the Letter of Credit (LOC) is provided in EdAssist. You must obtain the LOC and send it to your child’s school billing office that collects tuition payments. The school’s website or invoice should indicate where tuition payments should be sent, and exactly where to send the LOC differs across schools. Some examples are the bursar’s office, financial aid or financial services office, student accounts office, or the cashiers office. Please check with your child’s school to confirm which office handles tuition payments.

The LOC indicates that your child is participating in the Tuition Grant program and requests information required to approve your application and pay the school.

What if the school does not accept a Letter of Credit (LOC)?

For schools that do not accept the LOC, you must select the Reimbursement program open in your application and provide an itemized invoice. Once approved, payment is made directly to you in your paycheck within 1-2 pay cycles. The award is not taxed for dependents, however it is taxed for dependents of domestic partners. Proof of payment to the school is not required.


I prefer the reimbursement method. Do I have to choose Direct Pay?

If you don’t want to use the Direct Bill process, you can select reimbursement instead.

When will payment be made to my dependent's school?

Upon application approval, you will be issued a Letter of Credit (LOC) by EdAssist. You must submit this LOC to your dependent’s school as a payment voucher. The school will submit proof of full-time enrollment, an itemized invoice of tuition and fees, and grants/scholarships to EdAssist. Once received, EdAssist will review documentation and process payment for 50% of the eligible tuition and fees up to the maximum annual benefit amount. The eligible payment amount will be sent by EdAssist directly to your dependent’s school within 5-7 business days after the school sends their invoice. The employee and/or dependent are responsible for making payment to the school for any tuition and fees not paid under the plan. You can check the status of your application at any time in EdAssist.

If you apply over 30 days after the term start date, once approved the payment will be made to the school if they accept the Letter of Credit (LOC). If the school does not accept the LOC, then you must follow the reimbursement process: the payment will be made to you via payroll, and you will need to make payment in full to your dependent’s school.

When can my dependent's school expect to receive payment?

US domestic schools can expect to be paid within 5-7 business days after providing EdAssist with the required information.

I have an invoice from my dependent's school. Can a payment be made based on that?

If the school accepts the LOC, payment is not made based on an invoice provided by the employee. The employee must send the LOC to the school, and the school will correspond with EdAssist to invoice and complete payment.

If the school does not accept the LOC, it is over 30 days past the term start date, or it is an international school, then the employee must upload an itemized invoice and will receive payment via payroll.

How will I know when payment has been issued?

EdAssist will send you an email when payment has been made, and the application status will show as paid in EdAssist.

Does JHU guarantee that it will meet the school's payment due date?

EdAssist will process payments as soon as applications are approved and the school provides all the necessary information, within the school’s deadlines. The employee and/or dependent are responsible for making payment to the school for any tuition and fees not paid under the plan.

What if the payment amount appears to be incorrect?

If you believe that the payment issued from EdAssist is incorrect, please contact [email protected] for assistance.

What if I do not see a credit for JHU's payment on my dependent's account and the payment due date has passed?

If you have already provided the LOC to the school, check the EdAssist dashboard to review the status of your application. Dedicated support for JHU employees is available by phone, email, and direct chat through the EdAssist Contact Center available on the portal.

Is the benefit taxable?

The benefit is not taxable for children who meet the IRS definition of a “qualifying child” or “qualifying relative,” within Internal Revenue Code section 152.

The benefit is considered taxable income for employees participating with the dependent child of their domestic partner.

In situations where an OIE-approved disabled dependent participates beyond the end of the calendar year in which they turn 26, the benefit is considered taxable income for the employee.


If my child is receiving financial aid, what amount should I enter in the expenses field?

Enter the term’s total eligible tuition and fees in the expense field. EdAssist will calculate the correct Tuition Assistance amount and pay 50% of eligible tuition and fees after financial aid, not to exceed the term maximum.

The maximum assistance allowance per term is based on the school’s academic calendar structure. The details are as follows for the Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 academic year:

  • Fall and Spring semesters: $16,182.50 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.
  • Tri semester: $10,788.33 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.
  • Quarters: $8,091.25 per session, with an annual allowance of $32,365.00.
What if my child is receiving financial aid from multiple sources? The application only allows me to add one type of aid.

Add the largest financial aid award to the application. The school’s billing statement will show the other financial aid sources and EdAssist will pay according to the bill.

What is gift aid?

Gift aid is EdAssist’s word for financial aid and scholarships awarded to your child for college expenses that do not have to be repaid. A loan or other grant that must be repaid is not gift aid.

Gift aid includes scholarships and financial support that must be spent on tuition and fees.

Federal loans, Pell Grants, VA Grants, and Housing Grants, whether subsidized or unsubsidized, are not financial aid and will not affect the tuition grant.

In some cases, the child’s school will notify EdAssist if there is additional support from other sources, but it is the employee’s responsibility to disclose gift aid that may affect the child’s tuition grant. The employee will be responsible for any overpayments that may result if all aid and scholarships are not disclosed.

How will my child’s gift aid (scholarship/financial aid) affect the Tuition Grant amount?

If your child receives Pell Grants, VA Grants, or Housing Grants, they are excluded from the total scholarship/financial aid on the application.

If your child receives other scholarships/financial aid (that does not have to be repaid), the amount is deducted from ineligible expenses first.

Any gift aid amount that remains after ineligible expenses are paid, is handled as follows:

  • If the remaining gift aid equals less than 50% of tuition and eligible expenses, no deductions are made to the Tuition Grant.
  • If the remaining gift aid is greater then or equal to 50% of tuition and eligible expenses, the gift aid is deducted from the Tuition Grant amount, and 100% of the remaining Tuition Grant balance is paid to the participant, up to the term cap limit.

If both parents are eligible JHU employees, then the gift aid process is the same.


I don't understand the status of my application. What should I do?

When you view your application in EdAssist, there should be comments associated with your application status that explain any actions you must take. Use the live chat feature in EdAssist for support. If it is still unclear, you can also reach out to [email protected] for clarification and guidance.

What is completion documentation?

EdAssist might notify you to submit your Completion Documentation as required to complete payment. If you are using direct bill, you must download the LOC (Letter of Credit) from EdAssist, sign and send it directly to the school. If you are using reimbursement, then you must upload in EdAssist an itemized invoice from the school.

What does 'forwarded to supervisor for review' mean?

Your application is under review by the Benefits Service Center and should be approved within 5 business days. Reach out to [email protected] if the status does not change after 5 business days, and an update can be provided.

What resources does EdAssist provide?

Upon accessing EdAssist, you will land at the Workforce Education dashboard that shows your Tuition Grant benefit balances. From here you can open an application or explore EdAssist’s Workforce Education Network.

Benefits & Support provides information about JHU’s policy where you can also chat live with an EdAssist representative or create a support ticket.

History is where you can view your current application’s status.