
Date Range

Another Hopkins Night at Camden Yards is in the books

September 18, 2023
Nearly 350 members of the Hopkins community were in the stands as the home team faced off against the Rays

Want expert advice about choosing your 2024 benefits? Ask ALEX

September 14, 2023
The virtual benefits counselor can use its new features to match your needs with JHU's available plans

Important changes to your health care benefits in 2024

September 14, 2023
Here's what you should know before Annual Enrollment opens on Oct. 11

Coming in 2024: Your personal health care navigator

September 14, 2023
Quantum is a free new service provider for all members of CareFirst, which will be JHU's single health insurance administrator

The Fall Pre-Retirement Program still has more to offer

September 13, 2023
No matter how many years you are away from leaving the workforce, these sessions can help you make a smooth transition to your post-work life

Checkup checklist: Get ready for your next visit to your health care provider

September 13, 2023
Sharing the most up-to-date and accurate information about you will help ensure that you get the best guidance

Thinking about buying a house in Baltimore City?

September 13, 2023
JHU's Live Near Your Work program offers employees up to $17,000 toward a down payment and closing costs in designated neighborhoods

You could be a JHU Healthy at Hopkins Wellness Champion

September 13, 2023
Are you passionate about well-being? You can share your enthusiasm with others—and help the university grow its programming

Family Building Week takes place Nov. 13 to 17

September 13, 2023
Tune in to the webinars to learn about JHU's benefits and leave policies, worklife programs, available services, and more

Sign up for the Adopt-a-Family/Senior program

September 13, 2023
Departments and individuals must register by Nov. 1 in order to participate in the annual holiday tradition