
Date Range

Shine a light on suicide prevention

September 13, 2023
JHEAP offers help for those in need of support, plus important resources for managers and co-workers

Workshop: Situational Delegation—Inspiring Accountability in Your Employees

September 13, 2023
Learn how to get the deliverables you need without being a 'babysitter'

Workshop: Facilitators—Enhance Your Skills

September 13, 2023
Learn how to connect with your audience, create meaningful participation, remain organized, handle a challenging audience, and deliver maximum value

Workshop: Speak Like a Pro

September 13, 2023
Discover proven techniques for planning, practicing, and delivering public presentations

Hanging with family, colleagues, and some really wild neighbors

September 11, 2023
JHU's annual staff appreciation event at the Maryland Zoo draws a crowd of nearly 3,000

A sweet thank you

September 8, 2023
Frozen treats arrive on the Keswick, Eastern, and Mount Washington campuses

University announces details of flu vaccine requirement for 2023-24

September 7, 2023
Proof of vaccination must be submitted to the Vaccine Management System by Nov. 17; requests for exceptions must be submitted by Oct. 31

Almost 500 students participate in Johns Hopkins Summer Jobs Program

August 31, 2023
Of these high school and college interns, 274 were placed in 140 departments across the university and health system

Sometimes, work IS a picnic

August 30, 2023
A courtyard gathering brings HR colleagues together over burgers, chicken, hot dogs, side dishes, and cake

Public transit subsidy for employees begins Sept. 1

August 15, 2023
The new and expanded program is intended to lessen the cost of commuting, support the university's sustainability initiatives, and encourage vital in-person interactions