You bring value to JHU—through your hard work, your experience, and your skills—and we want to make sure your compensation reflects that value. Our staff compensation program targets competitive pay based on job skills, knowledge, and related experience.
Employee Self-Service (ESS)
Interested in checking your pay statements, hours worked, or leave balance? Head to our Employee Self-Service portal, where you can access all your pay information and make changes to your address, tax withholding, and other information.
Manager’s Guidelines
We work to ensure that JHU team members at every level are rewarded for their accomplishments and contributions to university goals. Our Office of Compensation offers tools and services to help managers make pay decisions for their employees.
Learn More About Pay:

Job Classification System
Learn about JHU’s job classification system, which provides structure for compensation decisions.

Salary Ranges
Get the details on salary ranges at JHU.

Salary & Career Growth
Understand our staff compensation program, which provides the framework for salary increases.

Special Pay
Read about special pay for on-call, shift, and acting work, along with discretionary bonuses.

Pay-Related Resources
Browse our list of important pay-related documents and resources.