Through partnerships with Baltimore City Public Schools and various non-profit organizations, Johns Hopkins provides needed support to local schools and organizations by leveraging the talents of university faculty and staff for onsite community service. Johns Hopkins Takes Time for Baltimore is one of several initiatives dedicated to supporting our neighboring communities in Baltimore City.
University departments are encouraged to take time to pitch in. Such efforts make an impact on the community and the volunteers—volunteering with co-workers helps build skills, strengthen relationships, relieve stress, and promote well-being, for example.
Volunteers can use paid time off through our Johns Hopkins Takes Time for Baltimore service leave policy. The policy allows university faculty and staff to volunteer during their regularly scheduled work hours for a maximum of two days per fiscal year. Such volunteer efforts must be done through one of the following groups:
- Current recipients of Johns Hopkins Neighborhood Fund grants
- Organizations/opportunities vetted by one of three university entities: Source, Center for Social Concern, and JHU Sustainability
- Baltimore City Public Schools
- United Way of Central Maryland
Volunteer opportunities can be found in Hopkins Engage, a civic engagement platform for matching, tracking, and assessing community engagement of our faculty, and staff.