- Barbara Bates-Hopkins, Sr. Community Relations Coordinator, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Todd Dousa, Emergency Management Manager, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
- Aleesha Eccleston, Summer Intern, Johns Hopkins University Summer Jobs Program
- Phobe Evans Letocha, Collections Management Archivist, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Zhiling Li, Network Engineer III, Johns Hopkins Health System
- Michael Preston, Director, Johns Hopkins University
- Charlie Reuland, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Johns Hopkins Hospital
- Nanette Smith, Program Lead, Johns Hopkins University
- Daniel Washington, Pediatric Surgical Technician, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center
- Denis Antoine, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Rev. MLK Award
- Nicole Dawson-Matthews, medical assistant, Johns Hopkins Medicine Cardiology at Sibley
- Latoya Frazier, compliance coordinator, Intrastaff, Johns Hopkins Health System
- Elena MacFarlane, assistant professor, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- Alicia Wilson, vice president for economic development, Johns Hopkins University and Health System
- Lisa Young, medical student, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
All faculty, staff, and graduate students of the university and health system, as well as persons regularly assigned to work at Hopkins through affiliated organizations, are eligible to receive the award. Members of the Martin Luther King Jr. nomination review panels, executive committee, and celebration committee are not eligible.
Nominations for 2024 recipients are now open until October 15, 2023.
Anyone may nominate an individual who has volunteered time and energy during 2023 to benefit others. Previous award recipients may be re-nominated 5 years after receiving their initial award. Self-nominations are accepted. All nominations must be submitted through the form below.
A panel composed of Johns Hopkins employees will review a nominee’s accomplishments achieved through voluntary community service and the impact of that service on the surrounding community. The panel will consider special qualities demonstrated by the nominee and the nominee’s resourcefulness while performing community service. The frequency of the activity as well as the length of service will also be considered. While all community service will be considered, preference will be given to community service performed locally.
All nominators and award recipients will be notified in November.
Past keynote speakers for the Johns Hopkins Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Celebration:
2023: Collette V. Smith
2022: Isabel Wilkerson
2021: Donna Brazile
2020: Valerie Montgomery Rice
2019: Derrick Johnson
2018: Minnijean Brown Tricky
2017: Dr. Robert Higgins
2016: Dr. Levi Garraway and Denyce Graves
2015: Morris Dees
2014: Freeman A. Hrabowski
2013: Benjamin Jealous
2012: Martin Luther King, III
2011: Shirley Sherrod and Regina Benjamin
2010: Lou Gossett, Jr.
2009: Lynn Whitfield and Congressman Elijah E. Cummings
2008: Levi Watkins
2007: Maya Angelou
2006: James Earl Jones
2005: Rev. Jesse Jackson
2004: Cicely Tyson
2003: Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, Ideals Award Recipient
2002: Coretta Scott King
2001: John Lewis and Dick Gregory, Ideals Award Recipient
2000: Taylor Branch
1999: Julian Bond
1998: Levi Watkins and Benjamin Carson
1997: Kweisi Mfume
1996: The Rev. Bernice King
1995: Sweet Honey in the Rock
1994: Yolanda King, Ossie Davie, and Ruby Dee
1993: Johnetta Coles and Maya Angelou
1990: Stevie Wonder
1988: Rosa Parks and Ralph Abernathy
1987: Zenani Mendela and Benjamin Hooks
1986: The Rev. Desmond Tutu
1985: Harry Belafonte
1984: Andre Young
1983: Coretta Scott King
1982: Martin Luther King, III and Bernard Lee