Before your start date
Below are steps and forms for new hires to complete before or closely following their start date.
New Hires
Within three days of your first day of work, you’ll need to complete several forms, including the federally required Form 1-9, which provides evidence of identity and employment authorization to work in the United States.
The J-Card is the Johns Hopkins ID required for most staff, faculty, and students to access university buildings and facilities, and to use certain resources. You will need to obtain a J-Card on your first day or as close as possible to your start date. Employees who are primarily based in East Baltimore should work with their department to obtain a blue and yellow JHMI badge. Note: The Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED) Login ID you received in your new hire “Welcome Email” is required to obtain a badge and update your personal information in myJH. Learn how to specify your chosen name for your work badge.
After your start date
Below are steps and forms for new hires to complete after their start date.
Within two weeks of your hire date, you’ll get a benefits notification email. You’ll then have 30 days to make enrollment decisions for health and life insurance (but don’t worry, you’re covered from your date of hire).
Most full-time employees are eligible to participate in one of our retirement plans. Head to our Retirement Plans Enrollment welcome page to learn more about available plans and get started enrolling.
As an employee of JHU, you have access to a full menu of optional benefits and programs. Be sure to check out our family programs, support programs, well-being programs, tuition assistance, and other insurance and benefits.
myJH Portal
Johns Hopkins uses state of the art information technology to advance the university’s mission. A variety of university services and functions can be searched and completed using the myJH portal. Employees can customize their myJH login page to quickly access frequently used programs and to stay abreast of university happenings by reading news from the Hub.
New Employee Orientation
We offer new employees a live benefits orientation webinar and a recorded online orientation is forthcoming (updated 1/28/2025) to help you better understand all our offerings, policies and practices.
University Policies
The Johns Hopkins University Policy & Document Library is a one-stop resource for all JHU university-level policies, statements and guidelines. New employees will find all Human Resources policies such as attendance, standards of conduct and performance, leave, termination, alcohol and drug abuse, university closures and more.
Getting to Work
Pretax Commuter Assistance
Parking at JHU
Maps and directions
Employee Self Service
Employee Self Service (ESS) is a convenient, secure and user-friendly enhancement to the central HR/Payroll system where employees can view their personal and payroll data and easily make changes, such as updating home and work addresses, adding/updating direct deposit information, changing tax withholding information, viewing pay statements and more. ESS also includes a link to the e210 timekeeping system for employees to review their timesheets and see the amount of sick and vacation time they have available.
Helpful Sites
Requests for Employee Accommodations
Johns Hopkins Employee Assistance Program (JHEAP)
JHU Public Safety
JHU Sustainability
Department of Health, Safety and Environment
Occupational Health Services
Brand Guidelines – Email Signature Generator
Onboarding Toolkits: