Leadership Development Program

picture of the 2024 JHU LDP Cohort
2024 JHU LDP Cohort

JHU’s Leadership Development Program is a selective, yearlong program for a cohort of senior and nominated developing managers and leaders.

Designed to build self-awareness and the ability to influence others, as well as to navigate the organization and skillfully lead teams, the Leadership Development Program each year brings together a diverse mix of about 35 faculty and staff from across the university.



Participants of the program:

  • Require nomination and a paragraph of recommendation
  • Are supported with peer group learning and targeted executive coaching
  • Receive multirater assessment feedback based on Hopkins leadership competencies

Need more information? Reach out to us at [email protected].

News from Hub at Work:
Celebrating 25 years of developing JHU leaders

Program Criteria

Participants tend to be deans/executives, faculty, or senior staff. To be eligible, participants must:

  • Be preparing for a more senior role
  • Direct major tasks, initiatives, or research projects
  • Demonstrate consistent, successful performance
  • Have the support of the division/department to participate
  • Have the support of their direct manager to partner with the participant throughout the program
  • Be able to attend all sessions
  • Demonstrate the university’s core values
  • Be an emerging leader with influence or organizational authority over others
  • Have been employed at the university for more than one year
FY25 Nomination Process

The university asked senior leaders to consider the potential and performance of faculty and staff in their area/division and to identify a pool of potential nominees. (Note: If you think you’re a good candidate and would like to self-nominate, please work with your manager/supervisor to express interest to your area’s nominating senior leader.)

The process proceeds as follows:

  • Senior leader selects up to three nominees, including any potential self-nominations
  • Senior leader provides potential participant with paragraph of recommendation
  • Potential participant completes the online form by July 19, 2024
  • Nominating Committee meets and reviews applications, seeking diversity and representation from across all areas of the university
  • Nominating Committee notifies selected participants and their leader(s) by August 9, 2024
  • Program kicks off September 12, 2024

Click here to access the 2025 JHU LDP application.

LDP Calendar for FY25

Event Date
(Participants must be able to attend all scheduled sessions)
Applications due July 19, 2024
Notification of acceptance by August 9, 2024
Program kickoff September 12, 2024
Session one October 22-24, 2024
Session two January 28-30, 2025
Session three April 29-May 1, 2025
Graduation and program close June 17, 2025

Learning to Lead

Before the pandemic, a group of 43 leaders from across Johns Hopkins University gathered around tables on JHU’s Mount Washington campus:

“You’re playing a big role in the way people perceive what is appropriate and inappropriate,” said Sharon Fries-Britt, a professor of higher education at the University of Maryland, as participants dove into candid conversation about their personal experiences.

The group was convened as part of the university’s Leadership Development Program, a dedicated yearlong initiative that gives emerging leaders the opportunity to meet regularly to learn from and collaborate with each other. The recently updated offering—which has trained hundreds of Hopkins leaders over its 25 years—serves as a resource to guide, train, and connect employees as they build and apply their leadership skills.