If you are enrolling at a partner center, please send a signed copy of your Tuition Agreement to [email protected] immediately. The Family Services Team will issue a Scholarship Award Letter to you, and you must sign, date, and return this letter, before we will initiate automated payroll disbursements for your award. We advise that you sign and return the letter as quickly as possible, so as not to delay the payroll process.
Once your signed letter is received, half of your monthly scholarship will be paid to you in each paycheck, and taxes will be withheld at the supplemental income rate. You will then be responsible for paying full tuition directly to your child care center. You will receive the scholarship funds in the two pay periods before tuition is due so that you can pay it ahead of time. For example, your June scholarship will arrive in your two May paychecks. Participants may receive up to 12 months of award in a calendar year. The given award year covers tuition from February through the following January. The award schedule is as follows:
February tuition: In paychecks issued by Jan 31
March tuition: In paychecks issued by Feb 28
April tuition: In paychecks issued by Mar 31
May tuition: In paychecks issued by Apr 30
June tuition: In paychecks issued by May 31
July tuition: In paychecks issued by Jun 30
August tuition: In paychecks issued by Jul 30
September tuition: In paychecks issued by Aug 31
October tuition: In paychecks issued by Sept 30
November tuition: In paychecks issued by Oct 31
December tuition: In paychecks issued by Nov 30
January tuition: In paychecks issued by Dec 31
You are responsible for paying full tuition to the school, as indicated on your tuition agreement. Regardless of your eligibility for a scholarship, Johns Hopkins is not responsible for your tuition payment. If your child enrolls part-time at the Homewood Early Learning Center, your scholarship award will be reduced proportionately.
Using the Child Care Voucher
You may also use the Child Care Voucher to reimburse yourself for out-of-pocket tuition. In fact, you should use the voucher first to reimburse yourself for out-of-pocket tuition in Wexs, (since the voucher is tax-free), and then use the scholarship to pay for the rest. It is prohibited to use the voucher to reimburse yourself for spending scholarship funds, and use of funds in this way will disqualify you from the program. The table below shows an estimation of your net scholarship award and recommended monthly voucher reimbursement.

If you are paid by a Fellowship only:
The full amount of your monthly scholarship will be paid to you in your paycheck once per month month, and you will be responsible for paying the full tuition directly to your child care center and required estimated taxes to the IRS. You will receive the funds in one pay period before tuition is due so that you can pay it on time at the first of the month. Please review your original NOTIFICATION TO FELLOWSHIP RECIPIENTS regarding important tax considerations. You scholarship award is included as fellowship income.
- Repaying any scholarship amounts that exceed tuition in combination with any Child Care Voucher you may receive from the University;
- Notifying Benefits & WorkLife 30 days in advance of termination of employment, graduation, or change to an ineligible status, and repaying resulting overpayments;
- Notifying Benefits & WorkLife in advance if you enroll later than the expected enrollment date, withdraw, or change the status of your child (e.g. full-time to part-time) in one of the partner centers;
- Recertifying your scholarship during the annual enrollment period that occurs each fall for continued benefits in the next calendar year (instructions will be provided to you in advance of the enrollment period); and
- Abiding by your enrollment/tuition agreement with the center and paying any balance in excess of your scholarship award due to the center after the scholarship is applied.