Department HR/Administrator Resources

For information on navigating FML, Birth Recovery Leave, Parental Leave, and Short-Term Disability, before, during, and after leave, refer to the tabs below.

Family Leave for Birth Parents

JHU offers six weeks of fully paid leave following childbirth for eligible full- and part-time faculty, visiting faculty, staff, and bargaining unit employees. Birth recovery leave applies only to the parent who gives birth, and must be taken immediately upon the birth of a child. Most parents who are eligible for birth recovery leave are also eligible for paid parental leave.

Family Leave for Non-Birth Parents

JHU offers up to four weeks of fully paid leave for full- and part-time JHU faculty, visiting faculty, staff, and bargaining unit employees following the birth of a child or adoption of a child under the age of 12. Parental leave can be taken by mothers or fathers—or both, if both work at JHU—as long as they have been employed by JHU in an eligible status for at least a year at the time of birth or adoption placement. Parental leave can be taken all at once or intermittently throughout the year after the child’s birth or adoption.

Leave Guidance for Department Administrators and HR

To learn more about the process for paid parental leave, view the flowchart.

Lincoln Financial Group (LFG) administers any disability claims, family leave (Birth Recovery/Parental Leave), and Family Medical Leave. Contact LFG at 888-246-4483 or visit MyLincolnPortal (registration code JHUEE).

The JHU Leave Team continues to provide assistance with E210 and payroll statuses. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Before Leave

Employees who need to request leave should do the following:

  1. Contact their supervisor or HR Business Partner to notify them of their need for leave.
  2. Contact Lincoln Financial Group to start the leave claim by calling 888-246-4483 or visiting MyLincolnPortal (registration code JHUEE).
  3. If the leave is for their own medical need, they will either download a copy of the authorization form or be directed where to obtain to give to the treating physician. This will enable the physician to communicate with LFG.
  4. A claims manager from LFG will reach out to confirm employee eligibility and leave. After review of all required documentation, the claims manager will provide a determination of the claim.
  5. Employees can check the status of their claim at any time at MyLincolnPortal.
  6. The JHU Leave Team will notify the Department HR/Administrator when a leave claim is pending, approved, denied or changed.
During Leave
  • When the baby is born, the employee should contact Lincoln Financial Group at 888-246-4483 to confirm the birth.
  • LFG will work with the individual throughout the duration of their leave and provide communication to both the employee and JHU.
  • The JHU Leave Team will notify the department HR/administrator when a leave claim is changed, if at all.
  • Department HR/administrators are responsible for updating the E210, if applicable, and submitting timely employment actions in SAP.
Returning from Leave

It is important to prepare for a smooth return to work. The employee should contact the supervisor or department HR representative as soon as possible to inform with the intent to return to work. Employees must provide a minimum of 2 days notice of their readiness to return. Additionally, if an employee is returning to work from a continuous leave for their own health condition, they must be cleared by Occupational Health Services (OHS) and provide a copy of the clearance form to their supervisor.

If an employee is are unable to return to work after 12 weeks of approved FML leave, they must contact the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) to request an extension or accommodation at least 15 days prior to the expiration of approved FML. Reach the OIE at 410-516-8075 or [email protected].

Additional resources that may be helpful to prepare for returning to work:

Related Leave Information

Learn more about Short-Term Disability or Family and Medical Leave.